Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, January 30, 2009

a month later...

okay, so i'm a little late getting a christmas post up....i'll use the excuse "i was waiting to get pics from my mother". anyway, christmas is always a busy time for our family. christmas eve is spent at my grandparents on my dad's side. there are lots of people and lots of food. this year i had to work christmas eve so i'm sporting my lovely christmas scrubs. yes, i'm a dork and wear printed scrubs!

this was our first christmas as a married couple (very exciting!), so we opened our presents christmas morning and then went to my parents around 9:00. after opening presents there, we headed over to my mother's side of the family for lunch. it is a smaller group of people, but still good food and always a good time! once we came back home, we had a few hours to recooperate and then it was off to ryan's parents house for christmas dinner. needless to say we were exhausted!

i really wanted to send out christmas cards, and then it turned into new years cards, and then nothing was sent! hopefully next year i'll be better at time management! but thanks to all our friends and family that sent us cards! i love getting mail!

overall it was a wonderful christmas, and as usual, it went by way too fast!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

For starters...

okay, so why i decided to start a blog i'm not sure. as if facebook, myspace, and plain email aren't enough!! but what can i say....everyone's doing it (sorry parents, i know you hate that one!). anyway, well today is my birthday...the big in the world can i be 26?! even my sister called me this morning to wish me happy birthday and asked how old i was...she said its hard to keep track as i get older. wow. but it makes you feel good to get text messages, phone calls, and messages on the computer...i have wonderful friends and family!
everyone wanted to know what my plans were for the special day. all i could say was "i'm not going to go to walmart or wash clothes"...afterwards i realized how old that sounded. needless to say as i'm typing now i have a load of clothes in the dryer...oh least i didn't go to walmart!
ryan got a cake for me and we are having my parents over tonight. cake. can't remember the last time i had cake for my birthday! so needless to say i'm excited. its the small things apparently. while i'm talking about my makes me think of past birthday "parties" i used to have. Lets list the top three:
1. definitely my "achy breaky heart" our garage with hay bales...and we learned the line dance to the one hit wonder billy ray...i was raised in bovina, what can i say
2. this one would have to be my pageant party...i have no clue how old i was, but all my friends came with swimsuits and dresses. we had judges and everything. we modeled in my parent's living room and in the end everyone got a sash...things like prettiest eyes, best swimsuit, best smile, etc....i know my mom has a pic so maybe i'll post it later!
3. for this last one, i think i'll go with my two surprise parties... first my sweet sixteen...oh so long ago! that was back when we had a ping pong table in my parent's dining room (that's for another and i think it was my 22nd birthday my friends at state planned a party for me...good times good times
all in all, i've had very good birthdays....which is why i'm gonna end this post and go enjoy the rest of MY day! peace...