I had a Dr appt August 25th. Since everything has been going so smoothly this whole pregnancy, I figured this appt would be no different. Well when the Dr came in to talk to me she handed me a brochure on high blood pressure and preeclampsia. Boy did my heart jump! She said my bp wasn't really that high, but it was starting to trend up. She also said I had protein in my urine and rapid weight gain (I won't give a number!) and some swelling in my hands. All these are signs of preeclampsia. She could tell I was worried, so she reassured me that I don't have preeclampsia, but she just wanted me to be aware of several signs and symptoms. She said we would discuss it more at my next visit and see how I was doing then. She said if it worsened I might have to be placed on bedrest. Needless to say I have been taking it easy on all my days off. Even at work they are being kind enough to let me stay off my feet as much as possible. I started taking calcium (tums) everyday and trying to walk on all my days off. I certainly do NOT want to be placed on bedrest! Ryan and I are doing all we can to make sure Nicholas is healthy. Thanks for the support and prayers!
Lacey and Ryan